Get the Selection Cell and Range Address using Macro in LibreOffice

This tutorial will show how to get the human readable address of selected cells and ranges using basic macro.


In Calc, one can select a single cell Or multiple cells i.e. Ranges. Often it was required to know what is the current selection and its addresses.

Declare some variables to hold activeCell and conversion instances.

Dim oActiveCell
Dim oConv

Using the getCurrentSelection method, get a hold of the current selection of the controller.

oActiveCell = ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection()

To get the address of selected cell and selected range, two different services should be used – and Create an instance of these to services using createInstance method.

  oConv = ThisComponent.createInstance("")
  oConv = ThisComponent.createInstance("")

Once this instance is created, the Address property can be filled up from the selected cell’s/range’s address by using below snippet:

  oConv.Address = oActiveCell.getRangeAddress
  oConv.Address = oActiveCell.getCellAddress

Now, two important methods of conversion object would return the human readable address of cell/range. They are UserInterfaceRepresentation and PersistentRepresentation

  msgbox  oConv.UserInterfaceRepresentation & _
          "  " & oConv.PersistentRepresentation

UserInterfaceRepresentation would return the cell column and row i.e. A1, B3 etc when a single cell is selected and for range it would return A1:C3, B1:E4 etc. PersistentRepresentation would return the same thing with the current worksheet name i.e. Sheet1.A1, Sheet1.B3, Sheet1.A1:Sheet1.C3, Sheet1.B1:Sheet1.E4 etc. All the values returned as string and can be processed accordingly.

Running the Macro

Two outputs with a cell selection and a range selection

getCellAddress Demo

getRangeAddress Demo

Complete Macro


Sub get_cell_address

    oActiveCell = ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection()
    oConv = ThisComponent.createInstance("")
    oConv.Address = oActiveCell.getCellAddress
    msgbox  oConv.UserInterfaceRepresentation & _
      "  " & oConv.PersistentRepresentation
End Sub


Sub get_range_address

    oActiveCell = ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection()
    oConv = ThisComponent.createInstance("")
    oConv.Address = oActiveCell.getRangeAddress
    msgbox  oConv.UserInterfaceRepresentation & _
      "  " & oConv.PersistentRepresentation

End Sub

Function References


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