How to Install elementary Tweaks Tool

2 min

This quick tutorial demonstrates the steps to install elementary Tweaks tool/Pantheon Tweaks Tool.

The elementary Tweaks tool is a handy utility specially designed for elementary OS. It gives you various options to change certain settings for elementary. Although elementary provides most of the settings already, however, few Pantheon desktop tweaks are not available via standard settings. Hence, this tool. This is a similar tool like we have in GNOME called GNOME Tweaks.

That said, installing this tool is straight forward. Although it’s a bit different in elementary OS 6 “Odin” and in elementary OS 7 “Horus” than earlier versions such as elementary OS 5 Juno. From the elementary OS 6 Odin onwards, this tool is renamed as Pantheon Tweaks tool. Here’s how to install.

Install elementary Tweaks Tool

The elementary OS doesn’t include the software-properties-common package, which is required for adding a PPA. If it is not install already, use the following command to install.

sudo apt install software-properties-common

elementary OS 6 Odin and OS 7 Horus

The Tweak tool is renamed with a new name and being developed separately. It is called Pantheon Tweaks. And using the following commands you can install it.

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:philip.scott/pantheon-tweaks
sudo apt install -y pantheon-tweaks

elementary OS 5 Juno and below

If you are using elementary OS 5 June and below, you can install the earlier elementary-tweaks using the same PPA. Follow the below commands from terminal.

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:philip.scott/elementary-tweaks
sudo apt install -y elementary-tweaks


After installation, you can run it via Application Menu > System Settings > Tweaks.

tweak in settings
tweak in settings

In the Tweaks window, you can find several options to change and configure your elementary desktop.

elementary tweaks after install - options
elementary tweaks after install – options

For your information, this tool is just a front end to elementary desktop settings. You can very well change them via terminal provided you know the exact name or property. The settings you get in this tool can also be changed via dconf editor in io.elementary path.

Let me know in the comment box below, if you face any trouble installing, or using this tweak tool.


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