How to Create Message Box in Python

Learn how you can create a GUI message box in Python in the most simplest way.2 min

Message boxes are fundamental elements for displaying notifications, alerts, or simple messages within your Python applications. Base Python installation comes with the tkinter library, which you can use to popup message boxes in various workflows of your code. The tkinter library comes with built-in support for the Tcl/Tk GUI toolkit.

In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the process of generating a message box in Python using tkinter.

Create a message box in Python

Firstly, ensure that you have Python and the tkinter library installed. Most Python distributions come with tkinter by default. So, if you installed Python separately or it comes with your operating system, it should be there already. To check if you have it installed, you can run the following command:

python -m tkinter
Checking whether tkinter is available
Checking whether tkinter is available

Writing the Message Box Function

Let’s begin by creating a function that will generate our message box. Here is the code:

import tkinter
import tkinter.messagebox

def msgbox(msg):
    window = tkinter.Tk()
    tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title="Information", message=msg)
    return None

Code Explanation

  1. The import statements bring the modules to your program. You need to separately import the messagebox as well, otherwise, it won’t work for this use case.
  2. def msgbox(msg):
    • This line defines a function named msgbox that takes a parameter msg which represents the message you want to display in the message box.
  3. window = tkinter.Tk()
    • This line creates a tkinter window instance that will be used for the message box.
  4. window.wm_withdraw()
    • This line withdraws the window, meaning it won’t be visible to the user. This is a workaround to create a message box without displaying an actual window.
  5. tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title="Information", message=msg)
    • This line calls the showinfo method from the tkinter.messagebox module to display a message box with the specified title (“Information”) and the message provided by the msg parameter.
  6. window.destroy()
    • This line closes the hidden window after the message box is displayed.
  7. return None
    • The function returns None.

Implementing the Message Box

Now, to use our msgbox function, simply call it and pass the message you want to display. For instance:

msgbox("This is a test message from!")

This will trigger the message box to pop up, displaying your provided message within the function call. You can also hard-code the message inside the function.

This is the output:

A message box in Python
A message box in Python

You can learn more in the reference.


Creating message boxes in Python using tkinter is a simple yet powerful way to communicate with users in your applications. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily integrate message boxes and enhance the user experience or debug within your Python projects.


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