A New Way of Grouping Your Tabs Coming to Chrome

1 min

Google Chrome team announced that a new way of tab grouping feature is coming in the next release.

Let’s face it. We all spend the majority of online time in the browser. And if you are one of those persons who like to open many, many tabs for work or any other purpose, this feature is definitely for you.

The new Tab grouping feature in Google Chrome allows you to groups a list of tabs with a group name – “Pending”, “check later”, etc, color them, add new tabs to created groups, and more importantly you can rearrange the tabs by the tab group names. You can access the feature by right-clicking any tab.

This is immensely useful if you are working on multiple projects, checking out shopping sites all of them together.

See it in action below.

Chrome Tab Groups in Action
Chrome Tab Groups in Action pic credit: Chrome blog

But, I think when you have a significant number of tabs open – like 50 to 60+ tabs, then despite grouping, the screen space available is still less. And then this feature would be useless. It is far easier to manage with horizontal tab extensions (if available in Chrome) when 50+ tabs are open.

For example, there is multiple horizontal tab extension available in Firefox like “Tree Style Tab” or “Container Tabs Sidebar” which is I think far more useful. If you have not aware of this two extension, then you should definitely check these two out.

Tree Style Tab Extension in Firefox
Tree Style Tab Extension in Firefox

Having said that, the more feature we get in Chrome, the better for the user.

The feature is coming to all platforms – Windows, Mac, and Linux with the next release of Google Chrome.

Do you like the new Tab grouping feature? Let me know in the comment section below. 

Via Google Chrome Blog.


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