Kdenlive – A Free Cross Platform Video Editor for Linux – Version 15.04.02 Released

1 min

Kdenlive is a free, open source and cross platform non-linear video editor available in Ubuntu and Linux Platforms which supports DV, AVCHD and HDV editing. Kdenlive is suitable for basic video editing and semi-professional work.

Kdenlive recently released version 15.04.2 with improvements and bug fixes.

Kdenlive Feature Summary and bug fixes

  • Mix video, audio and images
  • Wide range of codec supports: mpeg2, mp4, h264, mp3, ac3, ogg etc
  • Support for wide range of camcorders
  • Multitrack edition with a timeline and unlimited number of video and audio tracks.
  • Video and audio tracks organized in layers.
  • Tools to create, move, crop and delete video clips, audio clips, text clips and image clips.
  • Configurable keyboard shortcuts and interface layouts.
  • A wide range of effects and transitions. Ability to add custom effects and transitions.
  • Non-blocking rendering using a rendering separate application. Stop, pause and restart rendering.
  • Export to formats: DV (PAL and NTSC), mpeg2, h264

How to install – using Terminal

To install Kdenlive in Ubuntu using terminal run below commands in sequence. Enter password when prompted.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sunab/kdenlive-release
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kdenlive


  • Type Kdenlive in dash. Click the launcher icon.
  • From menu find it under Applications
Kdenlive Running in Ubuntu
Kdenlive Running in Ubuntu


Troubleshooting and Support

If you face any issues while installing or using Kdenlive, you may drop a note using comment section at the end of this article, Or you can post your query in any of the support channels mentioned below.

How to uninstall

To uninstall Kdenlive run below commands in terminal.

sudo apt-get remove kdenlive

Image Credits


Creator and author of debugpoint.com. Connect with me via Telegram, 𝕏 (Twitter), or send us an email.
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