Mini Text: GTK4 Text Editor with Uncomplicated Brilliance

2 min

Meet “Mini Text”, the GTK4 text editor that packs a punch!

In text editor space, simplicity and efficiency are often cherished qualities. Meet Mini Text, the latest addition to the list of lightweight text editors, is designed to cater to your basic text editing needs while boasting an incredibly low memory footprint.

Whether you’re jotting down quick notes, copying and pasting code snippets, or need a distraction-free platform to express your thoughts, Mini Text is your go-to solution.

Mini Text Features

What sets Mini Text apart is its no-frills approach to text editing. This Gtk4/Libadwaita-powered editor embraces minimalism, offering a clean and uncluttered interface focused solely on the act of taking small notes.

Mini Text doesn’t just stop at being lightweight; it’s designed with user experience in mind. The absence of a title bar is a testament to this philosophy. Instead, a thin vertical sidebar serves as the main anchor point, allowing you to drag the app anywhere on your screen effortlessly. For those who prefer a more immersive experience, Mini Text supports ‘Always on Top’ and ‘Always on Visible Workspace’ modes of GNOME shell.

Mini text - editor
Mini text – editor
Mini Text - drag and move
Mini Text – drag and move

In addition, Mini Text offers light and dark mode options, catering to your preferences and reducing eye strain during extended writing sessions.

Mini Text is more than just its sleek exterior. It adheres to basic text editor conventions, making it familiar and accessible to users of all levels. Its straightforward nature is a nod to simplicity, ensuring you can dive straight into your work without unnecessary learning curves.


Ready to give Mini Text a try? You’ll find it conveniently available on Flathub as a Flatpak package. This means effortless installation and quick access for users across various Linux distributions.

Set up your system as Flathub and then install it using the following command:

flatpak install io.github.nokse22.minitext

It’s important to note its focus on basic use cases. If you’re venturing into complex editing needs or requiring advanced formatting, you might try other options. However, for quick notes, brainstorming, and hassle-free text manipulation, Mini Text shines.

Learn more @ GitHub.


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