Ubuntu MATE 23.04: Best Features and Updates

2 min

Get to know the official Ubuntu flavour featuring the MATE desktop with the release of Ubuntu MATE 23.04 “Lunar Lobster”.

Ubuntu MATE 23.04, code-named “Lunar Lobster”, has been released on April 20, 2023. The latest version of Ubuntu MATE 23.04 is the first short-term release of 2023, and it will receive support for nine months until January 2024. It is the official Ubuntu flavour featuring the super-lightweight MATE desktop, and it comes packed with several enhancements that make it worth considering for those who want a legacy desktop look of GNOME.

Ubuntu MATE 23.04 Desktop
Ubuntu MATE 23.04 Desktop

Ubuntu MATE 23.04: Best Features

Ubuntu MATE 23.04 may not seem too different from its predecessor, Ubuntu MATE 22.10, but it includes some notable changes.

MATE Desktop and Ayatana Indicators have seen some version bumps, fixing a range of minor bugs, while AI-generated wallpapers add a touch of elegance to the desktop.

This release features MATE Desktop 1.26.1 (however, I am not seeing the minor version in a test install), which brings a few updates since the major 1.26 release.

Perhaps the major difference you notice is the Flatpak installation which was there by default until Ubuntu MATE 22.10. From this release onwards Flatpak is no longer installed by default, but you can still install it should you want to use it. We have a dedicated guide here on how to install Flatpak; Or, you may install it using the following command(s):

sudo apt install flatpak
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

PipeWire, which was already the default in Ubuntu MATE 22.10, has been updated to correctly install revised packages in Ubuntu. Furthermore, the LibreOffice 7.5 included in this release has an improved bookmark module for Writer, new number formats in Calc spreadsheets, new table design styles in Impress, and many more. The default web browser if Firefox 112 (snap).

The default file manager Caja is updated to the 1.26.1 – the only app to get a small update. Rest of them remains as their prior versions as below:

  • Caja File Manager 1.26.1
  • Disk Usage analyser 1.26.0
  • MATE Terminal 1.26.0
  • Eye of MATE 1.26.0
  • MATE Tweak tool 1.26.0
Caja file manager 1.26.1
Caja file manager 1.26.1

The latest Ubuntu “Lunar Lobster” release replaces the default installer in Ubuntu 23.04 with a new Flutter-based installer. But Ubuntu MATE still uses the old Ubiquity installer to keep it simple and straightforward for its user base.

At the core, the Linux Kernel 6.2, which is included by default in Ubuntu MATE 23.04, improves support for GPU, CPU, ports, and Rust updates. It enhances the performance and stability of the operating system, ensuring a smooth and reliable experience for its users.

Following the tradition, Ubuntu MATE features some AI-generated “wallpaper”Lobster”-themed wallpaper which looks great in the desktop!

One of the AI-Generated wallpaper in Ubuntu MATE 23.04
One of the AI-Generated wallpaper in Ubuntu MATE 23.04

Overall, Ubuntu MATE 23.04 is a minor update that brings few improvements to its users. Its simplicity and user-friendliness make it a compelling choice for those who prefer the old-GNOME desktop look and feel.

You can download Ubuntu MATE 23.04 from this page.


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